Spoiler :
Born in Seattle, Washington 11/6/1896; died in 1965 at age 69 (some sources say he died in 1955 at age 58). Father of radio actor Robert Readick.
The Shadow on radio programs including The Blue Coal Radio Revue for CBS (1931-1932); The Love Story Hour for CBS (1931-1932); The Shadow for CBS (1932-1935). One of two actors to play Knobby Walsh on Joe Palooka for CBS-Radio (1932). Original cast member on Orson Welles' The Mercury Theater On The Air for CBS-Radio (1938, again in 1946). Smilin' Jack Martin on Smilin' Jack for Mutual-Radio (1939). Mortimer Meek on The Adventures Of Mister Meek for CBS-Radio (1940-1942).
Spoiler :
Regular performer on radio programs including The March Of Time for CBS, NBC-BLUE and ABC (1931-1945); The Cavalcade Of America for CBS and NBC (1935-1953); Famous Jury Trials for Mutual, NBC-BLUE and ABC (1936-1949); The Campbell Playhouse for CBS (1938-1940); The Mysterious Traveler for Mutual (1943-1952); The FBI In Peace And War for CBS (1944-1958).
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