+ Leave It to the Girls is an American radio and television talk show, created by Martha Rountree, and broadcast, in various forms, from the 1940s through the 1980s. The series was originally a radio program airing on MBS starting in 1945 with hostess Paula Stone. The show was created by Meet the Press creator Martha Rountree as a serious-minded discussion of the problems of career women, but soon became a comedic commentary on love, romance, and marriage from an almost-all female panel — one man was always on the panel to provide the male viewpoint.-WikiPedia Click here to read more about Leave It To The Girls
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Please enjoy these 5 old time radio episodes:
Air Date | Title | Synopsis | Rating |
12.08.1945 | the girls answer questions sent by listeners |
+ The girls answer questions sent by listeners. | |
07.26.1946 | the girls answer questions sent by listeners |
+ The first topic is, "When a woman is given an engagement ring that turns out to be glass, does t... | |
11.09.1946 | the first problem should she tell her mother |
+ Program #21. Mutual net origination, AFRS rebroadcast. The first problem discussed: A woman wants ... | |
11.16.1946 | the girls answer questions sent by listeners |
+ The first topic is about a woman whose ex-fiance's new wife wants her old engagement ring back. | |
N/A | the girls answer questions sent by listeners |
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